Diocesan Priests Serving in Latin America since 1958
24 Clark Street Boston MA 02109
The Missionary Society of St. James the Apostle, founded by Richard Cardinal Cushing in 1958, is an international organization of diocesan missionary priests who volunteer 5+ years to service in Peru. In our 60+ years of service, the St. James Society has welcomed members from the United States, Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Australia, New Zealand, Ghana and the Philippines. We depend upon the prayers and the financial support of people like you who share our interest in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, & to create a better world for people who have been called “the poorest of the poor."

"What's Good Is Never Finished"
24 Clark St, Boston, MA 02109
​Email: office@socstjames.com
Tel: 617-742-4715
Fax: 617-723-7389
To speak with the Director please call:
Fr. David Costello
617-742-4715 x11
For financial purposes please call our Treasurer:
Tom Fitzgerald
617-742-4715 x29
For donor relations, media, PR, administration, bequests and general inquiries, please call:
Bridget Henry
617-742-4715 x15
For preaching related matters please call:
Jim Hastings
617-742-4715 x19
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Monday - Friday

Treasurer & Development:
Bridget Henry
617-742-4715 ext. 101
Financial Consultant
Thomas Fitzgerald