Diocesan Priests Serving in Latin America since 1958
24 Clark Street Boston MA 02109

where we serve> Peru
The Republic of Peru divides itself into three geographical regions, has a population of 32,972,000 (July 2020), with a growth rate of 2.2 and covers an area of 1,285,215, sq.km. Over 90% are Catholic but by reason of an acute shortage of priests many remain unevangelized. The coastal region is mainly desert with a very dry climate but fertile oases produce cotton, sugar, and fruit and fodder crops. This is the most prosperous and heavily populated area, which includes the industrial centers around the city of Lima. In the ranges and plateaus of the Andes the people live on potatoes and shepherd sheep and llamas for sale at the markets. In the Amazon lowlands the soil is thin and, for the most part, the inhabitants live on the cultivation of basic foods such as rice, bananas and citric fruit while depending on animal husbandry of chickens, pigs and cattle to supplement their income. Poor communications in terms of roads, telephone, etc. have hindered the development of Peru. The majority of people are dependent on a subsistent living of 15 to 20 soles, equivalent to five dollars per day, with great differences separating the poor from the rich. Peru has many natural resources such as a developing tourist industry and rich mineral deposits of copper, lead, zinc, silver and oil.